Acoustic Spade Foam - Set of 2
With a free-form appearance to accompany its sound absorption and clarifying qualities, the Acoustic Spade panels provide a rippling, non-angular look to any space where they are mounted. With a finished outside border and an edgeless style, these two compression-cut designs are available in an interlocking 2-piece set. The size of these echo-absorbing panels makes them excellent materials for effectively treating large sections of a room at once. When mounting multiple Acoustic Spade panels with matching border designs, a uni-direction appearance can be created, or, by rotating every other piece 180 degrees, an alternating, mirrored look can be achieved.
Set of 2: The Set of 2 consists of a combination of a 66"x43" edgeless sheet and a 69"x45" sheet with a "frame" edge.
Classification: Class A
Flame Spread Index: 25
Smoke Developed Index: 250
Flammability Test Results: ASTM-E84
Physical Data Sheet: Acoustic Foam Physical Data Sheet
Frequently Asked Questions: FAQ
How To: How To Use Spray Adhesive with Acoustic Foam (PDF)
Manufacturing Tolerances
Products may carry a size tolerance depending on the style and job. Please see our Tolerance Table.
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